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Moreover, Results Sius has yet to grow their social media reach, as it’s relatively low at the moment: 1 Google+ vote. This site’s reputation is almost good, but it is important to note that its child safety remains unrated by users. SIUS – The world’s leading producer of electronic scoring systems for sport, military and police. For more then 50 years the name SIUS stands for quality in the world of international shooting sports.

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International Shooting Competition - “Polish Open KALIBER 2017” R-P: Poland: Białystok: Results Book: 17 November 2017: St. Martin's Tournament 2017: R-P: Croatia: Beli Manastir: Results Book: 19 October 2017: SIUS EYL Final: Croatia: Osijek: Results Book: 26 September 2017: 300m Lapua European Cup Final: Italy: Tolmezzo: Results Book: 20 SIUS – The world’s leading manufacturer of electronic scoring systems for sport, military and police. For more than 50 years the name SIUS stands for quality in the world of international Results.sius.com has yet to be estimated by Alexa in terms of traffic and rank. Moreover, Results Sius has yet to grow their social media reach, as it’s relatively low at the moment: 1 Google+ vote. This site’s reputation is almost good, but it is important to note that its child safety remains unrated by users. SIUS – The world’s leading producer of electronic scoring systems for sport, military and police.

Check Out International Shooting Sport Federation Shooting Results 2019: According to 14th Asian Championship Results Both Thailand And India Win two Olympic quotas in two days. SIUS’ core is the development of cutting-edge technology enabling a reliable versatile product range. SIUS systems, the only ones worldwide approved by the International Sport Shooting Federation (ISSF) for all international competitions and championships are capable to accurately detect the entire range of sport shooting calibre sizes.

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Karl Olsson Shooting Sports, Södermanland 0705666174

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Sius shooting

Partners Championships: Shot Events: Shoot Event . Al Ain 2021 World Sius AG, Switzerland - 2021: Member Services As your shooting result provider, we offer the complete result services for your competition from the start lists to the final ranking list. Our most modern software supports the use of result displays, Active member in a shooting club Shooting club with SIUS equipment. Purposes ISSF Eligibility, ISSF Commercial Rights and ISSF Sponsorship Advertising Rules Komplett lösning för dig som vill ha en prisvärd elektronisk tavla för gevär 50 meter, pistol 25 meter samt luft 10 meter. Kan även förstärkas för att klara grövre kalibrar. Sius Hybridescore HS25/50 kopplar du till din egen PC (minsta systemkrav Windows 7) med den medföljande USB-dosan.
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To visualize the performance of the shooter, control units, monitors or even computers are available.

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Results book SIUS is the ISO-Certified, market leader in the field of electronic scoring systems. We are the only company producing 10, 25, 50, 300m target systems with the International Sport Shooting Federation (ISSF) technical certification for phases 1,2 and 3. Komplett lösning för dig som vill ha en prisvärd elektronisk tavla för luftgevär. Sius Hybridescore är precis som namnet säger en hybrid gjord för både 10 meter och 50 meter. Den här modellen har en inbyggd digital display som visar skottvalör i tiondelar samt riktning på skottet vilket gör att den lämpar sig för 10 meter. Du kan också koppla till din egen PC via USB-dosa ISSF World Cup Rifle / Pistol / Shotgun.

WED 8 JAN 2020 18:08 results.sius.com. World Masters Shooting Sport.